Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Yet again VILE STAGONIA bests Fair Alpia

 Murdock'S MarauderS has run another game of Alpian Wars and once again it was Stagonia that won.

Game was played outside under a sunshade in the garden
in October!

Read all about the battle here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Vile Stagonia wins again!

Alpian 'high water mark' came during a cavalry action that was divided by a town.
Fair Alpia simply cannot seem to catch any luck, on-line at least.  In three actions recently done via live broadcast in April, vile Stagonia has come out the winner in each case.

The recent Command Zone game after action report can be found here:  Command Zone 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

An Alpian Wars tabletop battle YOU can JOIN IN!

This coming Friday April 17, 2020, Murdock's Marauders will be hosting a live game on

You can join in or just watch the battle starting at 7 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time.

Vile Stagonia vs. Fair Alpia

Login for the fun starting at 7 pm on Friday April 17, 2020:

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Alpian Wars - LIVE and ONLINE

Fair Alpia was pushed back today in an encounter with Vile Stagonia.

You could view the next encounter online on April 2, 2020, starting at 12 noon PDT (Pacific Time, same as Los Angeles)


photo taken during the battle while Stagonia had turned the Alpian left flank
 A more complete picture of the back end of this event can be found at MurdockS MarauderS